7/11/2007 超級無敵熱
今天英文課的主題是: Nelson Mandela(前南非總統), 加上天氣超級熱, 每個人都心浮氣燥的, 於是我們決定把教室搬到戶外.
一坐到外面, 每個人都覺得很開心, 神清氣爽, 於是老師唸了一首關於一個十歲小孩所寫的關於Mandela的詩.
My Hero Mandela
(TEN-YEAR-OLD South African Schoolboy)
My hero stands over the valley of his people fighting for them with no spear,
no gun, no knife, only the weapon of mouth and knowledge, his head held high.
The grey haired man walking out of prison not sad, not full of hatred and revenge
but smiling, laughing, laughing the laughter of his people.
There he is, the man who was imprisoned but smiling and forgiving.
There is my one and only hero Mandela.
My hero Mandela
利用這首詩, 老師要大家也寫一首詩關於My hero xxxxxx, 當做是Home work. 幾乎每個小孩都寫自己的媽媽, 但是他們要求我不可以把這些詩放在網上, 所以各位媽媽們, 當他們回去後記得看他們的筆記本就能看到了!
在年輕美麗的老師: Nicole的指導下, 下午孩子們開始把Skimboard塗上防水漆,
等防水漆一乾, 明天就可以帶到海邊去玩囉!
由於今天是7-Eleven的生日, 所以有免費的思樂冰可以喝, 又加上天氣熱到37℃, 所以每個小朋友都破不及待的一下了Skimboard的課就希望我直接帶他們到7-Elevent去.
總共八種口味的Slurpee, 大家都把每樣試喝看看才決定要那一種, 甚至把不同口味混合起來吃, 只要能消暑就可以了!