Ann Cheng, 台灣高雄來的女孩, 有著一雙大眼睛, 臉上永遠帶著微笑. 曾是兒子樂團裡的首席小提琴, 去年從這裡的Semiahmoo Secondary School 畢業後, 負笈美國的Johns Hopkins University(約翰霍普金斯大學)就讀.
行醫是Ann的夢想, 她加入了Global Medical Brigades, 預計明年夏秋之際, 將跟著國際醫療團隊到南美洲的宏都拉斯去做醫療服務, 去之前, 每個人必須負責募集足夠的資金, 以資付自己的旅費及為宏都拉斯購買醫療設備和蓋新的診所.
以下是Ann刊載在GMB的話, 希望大家一起來, 讓Ann帶著大家的愛心, 到宏都拉斯去做非常有意義的事:
I will soon be joining a group of other dedicated students and medical professionals, on a trip to Honduras to conduct a "medical brigade" to treat more than 1,500 patients in communities without access to health care otherwise. Our group will function like a mobile medical unit, setting up small clinics to diagnose and treat patients at no cost. From in-take, to triage, to medical consultations, to filling the prescriptions, I will have experienced the many realms of the medical profession under the guidance of licensed medical professionals.
To make this trip a success, I need your help in one of three ways:
1) As a sponsor champion (any amount) to help me pay for my trip and to create permanent health care clinics in our villages (click the link below to donate)
(If the link doesn't work, please google "Global Medical Brigades summer 2009" and click the second link that says "Global Brigades|Events")
2) Join me on the brigade, especially if you are a medical professional
3) And/or send me warm thoughts and prayers as I embark on my brigade
Additional money raised beyond the $650 in-country costs will go to the GMB Clinic Adoption Program. Clubs that raise a total of $15,000 in addition to their in-country costs will have the privilege to adopt their own clinic in Honduras named after their school club. The funds will go towards staffing the clinic with a licensed medical professional(s), medical supplies/equipment and building improvements for one year. Students who raise money towards the project will have the opportunity to stay in Honduras for two additional days to work and set up the clinic with the local staff.
Thank you for your support!
Ann Cheng
p.s. 捐款時, 只能以美金為單位!
哇! 好優秀喔~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/11/2009 12:24:47]Ann真的是很優秀的女孩, 而且長得很漂亮, 我一直告訴女兒要以她為榜樣!
[版主回覆05/11/2009 12:26:33]她真的是所有年輕孩子學習的好榜樣!
Hello, Dear 大鼓:
回覆刪除我是Jackie Yeh 葉承澤, my wife is Susan Chao趙心瑜, 是剛去報到的新移民, 現已回台!
我想請問 When will Ann leave for Honduras? I want to donat USD$100, but how to pay it from Taiwan?
My e-mail add:
Could you pls e-mail back to me ? THKS!
Best Regards
Jackie Yeh
[版主回覆05/30/2009 12:12:18]I think you can just donate from the website that I wrote in my article. I also will further check with Ann, she has her summer vacation and back to here now.